Sunday, February 7, 2010

the PreAmble

Four score and seven years… ok, yeah, I can’t pull off the ‘Abe Lincoln’ thing. Basically, we’re sick of the shit. We’re sick of authors fighting, of people being pissy, and of this fandom’s fuckery. So we, the D-Listers, are standing up and saying a big ole’ eff you.

So this is it. This is our new anti-fandom fandom, a fandom fuckawesome if you will. A place where all authors, big or small, will have a chance to rant and rave, critique and compliment. You want to recommend fics? You think that some part of this fandom, that we are all so utterly obsessed with, needs to be addressed? This is a place to do it!

You can email any and everything to d.list.revolution @ gmail and we will post your concerns anonymously (unless you say otherwise) for everyone to read. Nine times out of ten, I promise you that someone else out there is feeling the same way.

So bring it on! If you think we are a bunch of ranting idiots for starting this blog, send in an email and let us know. We will post it and maybe someone will agree with you. Nine times out of ten, we promise you that someone else out there is feeling the same way as you.

Here are the rules: No personal bashing. No name calling. Cussing is allowed and encouraged. Check the egos and all the drama at the door, because there is no room for that bullshit in this fuckawesome fandom.

Let the ranting begin!

-The D-Lister

Friday, February 5, 2010

Viva La Revolution

"Every generation needs a revolution," Thomas Jefferson

This is ours.